Table of Contents:
Georgia Christinidis, Jessica Fischer and Frauke Hofmeister
New Directions: Boris Johnson and English Conservatism
Andrew Gamble
Corbynism, Hegemony, and Us
Sebastian Berg
“Taking back Control”: Whose, and Back to When?
Logie Barrow
Questions to Philip B. Whyman on British Politics and the British Economy beyond Brexit
Sebastian Berg3
Past the Point of no Return: Scotland, Brexit and Independence
Klaus Stolz
Borders, Brexit and Beyond: Fragments on Northern Ireland
Frauke Hofmeister
A Bitter Spring
Felicity Dowling
Still GETting Across Borders? Austerity, Brexit and Scottish Schools
Annegret Landgraf and Jennifer Riedel
Dispatches from Brexitland
M.G. Sanchez
A European in Wales, in Times of Brexit
Elena Schmitz
Obituary: H. Gustav Klaus
Christian Schmitt-Kilb